On behalf of the STEM Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), a hearty WELCOME BACK to our STEM family! We also look forward to getting to know the newest additions - students, teachers and staff - of our STEM community!  
If you would like to get involved in the PTSA and/or have any questions, go to the STEM website, click on the "Parent Tab" and scroll to STEM PTSA.  There you will find a list of executive board members and their email addresses.  Feel free to email any one of us or to our general email at [email protected] about getting involved!  This year we have many activities planned for the students and would appreciate any help you can provide us. 

If you haven’t already done so, please consider joining our STEM PTSA!!!  The funds collected go towards school supplies, field trips, fun events for our students, and much, much more. . . . The whole family can join.  Membership envelopes are available in the Student Services Office.  They can be turned back into any one of our staff in the front offices.  Our goal is 100% Parents, Teachers, Students, and Staff. Every year our teachers and staff have met the 100% goal.  Membership is just $8 per membership via cash or check or add an additional $1 convenience fee when charging through our membership link, TOTEM:

Also don't forget to order some swag STEM Spirit wear. . . . Take a look in our shop!

Be sure to check-out STEM's Newsletter coming to you in your email to keep abreast of the fun stuff going on at STEM!!!  And this year, be on the lookout for STEM's student-run newspaper.

PTSA is here to help our parents and students throughout the school year.  We absolutely hope you have a great year and we HOPE to see you at PTSA upcoming events!!

All the best,
Vanessa Rogers